Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Miracle Home Remedy

Miracle Home Remedy 

We were visiting with a friend last month and he told us about this remedy he's been doing for a while.  His mother-in-law is a nurse and into a lot of alternative health products and she gave him the recipe!  I'm excited to try it out - he's had great sucess with his own health.....not just from this little elixir but also from making great lifestyle changes.

Here are the ingredients - just blend them all in a blender!
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup raw honey
8 cloves garlic

Store the liquid in a glass jar and cover.  Put in the refrigerator for 5 days to allow the foam to settle.

Funny story - our friend had mentioned this recipe to another couple and when it was made, the lady mistook the "clove" of garlic to mean "bulb" of garlic and put 8 BULBS in the blender with the ACV and honey!!!!  They were up ALL NIGHT when they took it with hot sweats and bathroom trips and knew something must not be right!!!  Our friend got a huge laugh out of that one!!!


  1. What are the benefits of this mix? I drank cider vinegar with water when I had kidney stones- and it dissolved them quite quickly. Wondering what the health benefits of this mix are, and how often and how much do you take?

  2. I start taking it tomorrow! I read that you take 2 tsp a day. Here's an article online with health benefit information!!! :)
